Monday, August 9, 2010

Hardly Worthy of a Post

Since my last post I've continued my slacker ways. I've pretty much been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred on Wednesdays and jogging for 20-25 minutes on Saturday mornings and that's it. After my last Saturday run I ended up with a MONSTER headache that sidelined me for pretty much the entire about sucky! After that I decided that it would probably be in my best interest to slow things down a bit (funny, I know. How could I possibly back down any farther?!? Hang in there, I'm about to explain myself.). Instead of going out just once a week and giving it my all (basically running until I can hardly take another step) I'm going to revert back to one of the earlier C25K podcasts until I get back into the habit of running on a regular basis. I figure I'll be better off for the time being reverting back to good ol' intervals. It's worth a shot!

Instead of ignoring my alarm this morning like I've been doing for quite some time now, I actually got my lazy body out of bed and made it out the door! Go me!! I ran W6D1 without any trouble. According to the podcast I listened to the second walking interval was supposed to be 5 minutes. I remember thinking that was too long when I ran W6 the first time, so I cut that back to 3 minutes. Overall, it was uneventful and so far no headache!! As of right now I'm planning to do it again tomorrow morning. Wish me luck! Maybe one of these days I'll get back in the pool too.

So here's to another re-start!