Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just for the Record

This post is essentially just to update my records so I can keep track of when I worked out.

June 29-Aqua Jogger, 30 mins
June 30-Swam/Kicked laps, 30 mins
July 3-Swam/Kicked laps, 30 mins
July 5-Swam laps, 20-25 mins
July 6-Jogged on the beach, 23 mins (first jog since my foot injury)
July 8-Swam/Kicked laps, 30 mins
July 9-Jogged, 30 mins
July 10-Jillian Michaels' 30 day Shred video

Note: I was on vacation from July4-July 11.

Reading through that makes me feel even more guilty! It makes me realize that it has been almost 2 full weeks since I've done any form of exercise...that's really sad! I need to just get over myself and get back to it no matter how tired I am or how many excuses I come up with. I've worked so hard since Mother's Day to get where I am today that I CANNOT give up now! I think this is just what I needed. That being said I'm going to cut this post off right here, get off my ever-growing back side, pop in a dvd, and GET MOVING!! (PS-my daughter is sleeping and it's waaaay too hot to do anything outside...supposed to be like 105 today. Yikes!)

Here I go!!!!!!

Still in Fail Mode

Today was the day I was going to break out of my rut and get back on track. I set out my running clothes and my bathing suit so I could decide what kind of mood I was in once I got up and moving. Well...did you notice the "was" in italics at the beginning of the post? It didn't happen. Nothing happened. The alarm went off and I completely ignored it. Ugh! I'm such a freakin' slacker!

My little princess (I'm gritting my teeth as I write this) was awake for several hours last night for no apparent reason. My hubby and I kept taking turns trying to settle her but nothing seemed to work. Talk about massive amounts of frustration! Ahhhh!!! So needless to say, I was just WAY to tired to get up and exercise this morning. Add to it that I'm working extra hours this week and I can give you a million and one excuses.

So to top it all off, I dropped my little man off at VBS and my little girl and I went to the grocery store where I got myself a diet Coke and an apple fritter. That lovely little combo makes everything better! Maybe this weekend I can get my booty back in gear. Wish me luck with that...I'm gonna need it!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm Still Here!

Just wanted to let you know that I'm still around...I was on vacation for a while and since I've returned I've been really busy catching up on work and things around the house. When I'm not busy with that I've just been ridiculously lazy. It's like I'm trying to recover from my vacation!!

Anyway, I'll come back sometime soon to update you on my physical activity. I actually did quite well while I was away from home, but since I've been back I've been a total slug (no exaggeration). My eating has been beyond ridiculous and I can't seem to get my booty out the door for some exercise. I'm hoping this phase will pass QUICKLY. Wish me luck and send me some of your mojo if you have any to spare!