Sunday, June 27, 2010


I followed through with my plan to do a little swimming today. I swam/kicked laps for about 30ish minutes. I did very little with the jog belt, but feel like I got a pretty good workout in . I'm definitely more tired following a water workout than I ever was with jogging. I'm guessing it's because it involves more muscle groups?!? My arms have certainly felt the impact of "freestyling it." I hope that they're starting to show some of that hard work too!

Hope you all have a great night and a wonderful start to a new week!

Short and Sweet

This post is going to be just that, short and right to the point. I'm pretty much keeping up with my activity here on this blog. I should be keeping some sort of a workout calendar for a quick visual of my activities, but I have yet to do that.

So on to the point--I swam laps again on Friday evening. I swam for approximately 25 minutes (including kick board laps). It was a bit difficult because I had worked all day and was pretty tired. On top of that the water was super warm, quite like bathwater. The air was actually cooler than the water so it wasn't very refreshing. Nonetheless I completed the swim.

Yesterday (Saturday) was a "rest" day filled with cleaning and lots of play time with the family. Sometime today or this evening I plan to head to the pool for another workout. I have yet to decide if it will be laps, water jogging, or a combo of the two. My foot is STILL bothering me. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be able to run again. If I do get to run anytime soon how difficult is it going to be? I wonder how much of a setback I'm going to incur. I guess I'll learn that answer once this darn heel heals (haha....heel heals! I'm such a dork).

Anyway, happy Sunday and happy running!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Running in the Water

I know that I said I was going to play with my aqua jogger this weekend, but I did it today instead. I swam laps yesterday and had planned to rest today and do more laps tomorrow. Well, as usual, change of plans! Last night I decided I would go ahead and head to the pool this morning for a little experimentation. I took my i-pod, set it to Carli's week 9 podcast, strapped on the aqua jogger, and hopped in the pool. I had forgotten how strange it feels to try to run while floating! I'm still not sure if my form was correct, but surely I had to have burned at least a few calories. Don't you think?

I definitely need more practice with the belt though. I think that I'll try to search online for some water workouts that utilize it or at least some suggestions for how to get a good workout with it. If nothing else it's a good way to mix things up.

Oh, by the way, I did find some time yesterday to catch up on my reading. I enjoy seeing how you all are doing with your runs. Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My heel is feeling quite a bit better but it's not 100% yet so I'm still not running (boo!). I don't want to jump back into running too early and risk further injury and delay my healing, so I'm trying to be patient (this is not one of my strong suits).

On a happier note, I have been swimming instead. I've always liked to swim, but when compared to running it's so much easier to roll out of bed, slap on a pair of running shoes and take off. When I want to swim I have to put on the dreaded bathing suit, drive to the pool (I know I shouldn't complain, it's only 3 mins. from my house), fish out all of the critters that don't need to be swimming with me, and hop in. Then when I'm done I have to dry off, collect all of my stuff, and drive back home. It's definitely more time consuming and more of a hassel, but let me tell you, it's a kick-butt work-out! Now that part I like! In 30 minutes I feel like I'm getting a total body workout. When I'm done, I feel exhausted yet invigorated (if that's even possible).

I've pretty much decided that I will continue to swim even after my heel is pain free and I'm running again. It's just that good, folks! For the most part I'm swimming the majority of my laps free-style. I also have a kick board. When I get out of breath I kick a few laps to recover. So far I haven't broken out the aqua jogger. I think I'll do it this weekend when I'm not on such a tight schedule and will have a little more time to experiment. I'll let you know how it goes.

I sure hope you all are doing well and making good progress. I've been really busy lately and am behind on reading, but promise to catch up later today or tomorrow. I'm anxious to see how you all are doing and feeling.

Happy running!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Say it ain't so...say it ain't so!!

I'm injured. There, I said it. Now make me better.

Remember how I didn't get up to run on Wednesday but I attempted to make up for it by doing a workout DVD? Sadly enough, I think that's what did me in. Stupidly (I can say that because hind sight is 20/20) I did the workout in my living room barefoot, as I have done many times before. Before I started running, that is. And before I was stressing my feet/body in such a manner 3-4 times a week. Well, that night when I was in the shower my heel started to hurt. I put extra pressure on it and kind of rolled it around on the shower floor to see if it really bothered me, and YOWSA! it really did hurt. There wasn't anything visible and the pain seemed to come from pretty deep within. No biggie though, surely it would be better by morning.

Ha!! Was I wrong!?! It hurt even worse in the morning. I couldn't even bare all of my weight on it. After hobbling into work that morning I googled some info on heel spurs and self diagnosed my problem. I tried to rest my foot and ice it as best I could. But truly I was still in denial and was hoping it would be gone by this morning. Again, not the case. I asked one of our docs at work that deals with feet, ankles, lower legs, etc. what she thought and what I needed to do. She gave me the run down. It was exactly what I expected her to say, but nothing that I wanted to hear. Basically REST, blah, blah, blah...I can't say that I really paid a whole lot of attention after that (did I mention the denial?). Ugh!! I don't want to rest! Doesn't she know that I'm nearing the end of my C25K training and that I don't have time to rest?!? I have another run scheduled for Saturday morning. I can't afford to take any more days off (note the irrational fear setting in right now that I'll never run again and will be a C25K flunky)! Ahhhhh!!!

Given the fact that I still can't bear all of my weight on that heel without pain I will again have to modify my schedule. That's what I get for making plans and getting excited about being a graduate. Oh well, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!! Even if it means dropping back a few weeks once the pain is gone. I'll do whatever it takes. In the meantime I plan to swim some laps and put my aqua jogger to good use. It's been sitting around collecting dust for too long now. Tomorrow will be my first water workout. So wish me luck and wellness. I'll keep you posted.

Happy running (on land and in the water)!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

W8D2...Not Today

Despite my good intentions, I didn't make it out for my planned run. My daughter struggled to sleep last night, therefore my hubby and I struggled. She sort of whined on and off throughout the night. Most of the time she wasn't actually awake, but she was certainly making noise. We attributed it to the fact that she's cutting 5-6 teeth (including 4 molars!). At one point my dear husband went in, gave her Motrin, and rocked her back to sleep. Around 5:30am she was whining again so I chose to move to the couch and listen from there so Mr. Man could get a couple of uninterrupted hours of sleep before heading into work (I was off today and planned to rest during her morning nap).

At one point I thought to myself that I might as well go for my run seeing as I wasn't sleeping well anyway. But that would defeat the purpose of moving to the couch. I was trying to let my husband get some sleep and if I took off for my run, then he'd be awake listening to her. I drifted back to sleep in between her noises and when my alarm went off at 6:10am I turned it off and rolled over. I like to think that I did it for my husband, but surely you all are smart enough to figure out that it was totally a selfish move. I was exhausted and couldn't bare the thought of running in the wretched humidity again while being sooooo tired.

My husband was very grateful for the bonus sleep but it left me feeling a little guilty for not getting up like I had planned. Later in the day I decided I would attempt a run when he got home from work. That plan failed too. By time he was on his way home our area was covered up with thunderstorms complete with lightning. I figured it wouldn't be too safe to head out in those conditions, although a run in the rain sure would have beat yesterday's crazy hot humidity.

So what all of this rambling boils down to is that I didn't make it out for my run today. In lieu of W8D2 I did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout DVD. It wasn't exactly the 28 minute jog that I had intended on doing, but at least I got off of my butt and moved. My new plan is to conquer W8D2 on Saturday, followed by D3 on Sunday. Then I can start W9 Tuesday morning. Hopefully this plan will hold true, but if not I will modify and continue plugging along.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Steamy Shower

You know how it feels when you walk into the bathroom when someone is taking a ridiculously long, hot, steamy shower? You know, that almost breathless feeling because it's soooo humid and the air feels super thick? Well that was what came to mind when I opened the front door this morning for my run...ugh! When I stepped outside I could barely breathe. Not quite the weather I was hoping for. I think I could have handled it a bit better if rain would have poured down on me throughout the run, but no such luck. Anyway, you get the point. On to the run...

Well, when I was greeted with less than perfect running conditions I immediately thought to myself that there was NO WAY that I would ever make it through W8D1. I set my i-pod to play Carli's week 8 podcast anyway so I could have some new tunes to listen to and I started the warm-up (haha! As if I needed to warm-up in such sweltering conditions!).

When it was time to run, I did just that. Again, I was thinking I would never survive the whole 28 minutes. Throughout the run I set mini-goals. I'd say to myself, "If you can just make it to the end of the road, then you can stop." When I made it to the end of the road I'd say, "Now, if you can just make it to that mailbox, then you can stop." So you get the point. I did this multiple times and even slowed my pace 2 different times instead of completely stopping. And you know what? My little mental game worked (and the Rocky theme during the last portion certainly didn't hurt)! I completed W8D1 and even went above and beyond with an extra 3 minutes!!

I continue to amaze myself (and my husband too). On multiple occasions now I have overcome the seemingly impossible and pulled through! I'm sure you all have been doing the same in your own runs. We deserve to be proud of ourselves. I know I am.

I hope you all have a great week. Happy running!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Need of a Run

I'm in need of a run.

I never thought I'd be saying that, but I really do feel like I need to go for a run. I feel a little stressed and I know that it would help to spend some time outside with my running shoes and i-pod. So I guess you could say that I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning's run! It's supposed to be my first week 8 run, but now that my sister's kids are out of school I have to take my youngins to her house before I head off to work. Translation: I have to leave earlier and therefore have less time for my run on Tuesdays unless I drag my behind out of bed even earlier. So we'll see what happens. I plan to do some sort of non-interval running, but can't guarantee that it will be quite as long as it's supposed to be. Such is life!

I know that I didn't post about it, but I actually did complete my run on Saturday. I got up and headed out around 6:50ish. It was my final week 7 (25 minute) run. I was tired from being up for several nights with a sick princess, but I did it anyways. When I returned home, I grabbed a quick shower, got packed up, and headed out of town for a weekend full of birthday/pool parties. And let me tell you, I'm worn out! There's something about traveling with little ones that just takes it out of you. Add to it the pool parties, junk food, and lack of sleep and you have the perfect recipe for exhaustion in my book. So if you were wondering why I haven't posted any sooner, now you know.

I'm working quite a bit more for the rest of June and most of July. I'm still planning to run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and either Saturday or Sunday (maybe both depending on the week and how I'm feeling). I'll do my best to keep you posted on my progress. I hope you'll do the same.

Happy running!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You Did What?... Seriously?

Yep, seriously. I got up as promised this morning and did my W7D2 run+. What's the "+" for? Well, I did the 25 minutes of running that was scheduled plus I continued to jog through the five minute cool down! I know, crazy. Right?!? I'm shocked and amazed too.

My alarm rang as usual. I laid in bed for another two or three minutes trying to wake up some more. Then I got up and got ready. Over the last few runs I have changed my routine a little bit. Instead of drinking some water while I get ready I've switched to juice. This morning it was raspberry/cranberry. Yum! I don't know if it's just a mental thing or if it really makes a difference, but I seem to feel better with a few calories on board while I'm out there.

I hadn't planned on running the extra time this morning, but at the end of the run Cari comes on to give you a one minute warning and to encourage you to "push it" through the last little bit. I didn't sprint or anything but I definitely widened my stride and picked up the pace a little. Once the minute was over I didn't feel like I should just slow immediately to a walk, so I dropped back to my original pace. After a few minutes I slowed a bit more, but continued to jog. Before I knew it the cool down phase was over! I had just completed 30 minutes of jogging without walking a single step! This is big stuff people. I haven't done that in years!

If I can do this I know that you all can too! Keep up the good/hard work. Happy running!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feeling Guilty

I didn't go for my scheduled run today and I'm feeling a bit guilty. Is that some sort of a sign that I may actually be on my way to becoming a real runner? I sure hope so! I never thought I'd feel bad about missing a run or admit that I wished I had not taken the time for a few extra winks. Sleep has always been at the top of my list and now I'm actually wishing that I had not stayed in bed. Can you believe that?!? What a transformation, folks!

Here's what happened:
I didn't set my alarm last night because I was super tired and have been stressed with some things about my job. I figured that if my daughter woke up early I'd just get up and take off (and if you've read any of my prior posts you'll remember that she seems to be getting up earlier every day). I heard her around 6:15am and thought that I'd just lie there a few more minutes until she really meant business (aka-got loud). But apparently that took longer than I thought. She and I had both fallen back to sleep and the next time I woke up it was 6:45am! It was already too late for me to have enough time to get my run in and to get myself and the little ones ready to leave on time. I know that I needed the sleep, but I also I feel like I really missed out on some stress relieving, sanity saving time too.

To add to it, when I dropped the kids off to my sister this morning she told me that she had gone for a run earlier this morning...ugh! The guilt multiplies (haha!). You know what though? I felt something else I hadn't felt in quite a while--a bit of a competitive spirit! Woo hoo!!! The old me is slowly returning! I couldn't be happier! Thanks, C25K. And thank you to those of you who read my ramblings and help encourage and motivate me to continue! I hope that by writing this blog I can do the same for you.

With that being said, I will be sure to get up on time tomorrow so I can get my run in!

Happy running!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

W7D1 or W6D3 Repeater?

Either way you look at it, I nailed it!! 25 minutes of continuous running two days in a row...holy moly!! Today proves that yesterday's run wasn't just a fluke (thank goodness). I really can do this! Wow!

I finally clocked my run today. I tried to do it on the Google Map Pedometer site (which is really cool, by the way) that someone on the C25K Facebook page linked to, but apparently I live just a little too far into "the country" to get an accurate assessment. So this afternoon I hopped in the car and drove the route. Turns out that I'm running somewhere between 2.3-2.4 miles in 25 minutes. This is better than I thought. There's certainly room for improvement, but at this point I'm just happy to have completed 25 minutes (TWICE!!!).

Hope you all are continuing to do well. Keep me posted on your progress.

Happy running!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Walking on Sunshine

Remember the song Walking on Sunshine from the 80's? You know the one that goes something like this:

I'm walking on sunshine...whoa,
I'm walking on sunshine...whoa,
I'm walking on sunshine...whoa, and it's time to feel good!
Hey, all right now, it's time to feel good...yeah, oh yeah.
And it's time to feel good!

That song fit my run today for a couple of reasons. Much to my dismay when I first walked out the door this morning it felt like summer had already arrived. It was hot and humid at 7am...yuck! I did my 5 minute warm-up, took a couple of minutes to stretch, and I started in on the run. Right off the bat it felt like I was running on sunshine (quite literally). It was so stinking hot that I must have been running on the sun or really close to it.

Secondly, that was the final song that played during my cool-down today following the 25 minute run (non-stop, I might add)! And, man was it a great song to end on! That's exactly how I felt. I had just completed my first 25 minutes of continuous running and I was soooo proud!! I felt like I was beaming and walking on sunshine.

Overall, the run went well today. I think that stretching after warming up helped to loosen my muscles for the running portion (thanks for the advice Theresa). Carli from kept me motivated with some good tunes and encouragement at the 5 minute mark, halfway through, with 5 minutes to go, and at the final minute. I kept my thoughts pretty positive and when I felt like I needed a break I changed my pace from tortoise to snail. After a minute or two at that pace I'd kick it back up and continue at my regular, slower than slow pace (do you get the picture...I run SLOW!). It worked. I finished the entire thing without any walking.

Good-bye week 6, you've been good to me but I'm moving on!

FYI for those of you who listen to Carli's podcasts--I found it easier to use the week 7 music for W6D3 because it doesn't have all of the interruptions that are necessary for W6D1&2.

Happy running!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ups and Downs

Isn't it funny how one day you can complete a run and feel so great and the next day you finish and want to hang your head?!? What's up with that? After my run on Tuesday nothing could bring me down. I was in the zone and feeling stellar. When I got home I showered, got the kids dressed and on their way with my super, amazing sister/babysitter. That left me with some time to unload/reload the dishwasher, clean up the kitchen, and even do some dinner prep. Then at 9am I was out the door and headed to work. Talk about productive.

On the other hand there was yesterday's run. I completed it as per the program (jogged when I was supposed to, walked when I was supposed to, and didn't stray from it at all). I had some moments when I thought maybe I wouldn't complete it, but I DID! I did it just like I was supposed to but yet for some reason that wasn't enough. I was overly focused on future runs and whether or not I thought I could complete those. Sure, I may have felt rough in the moment but it wasn't like I was supposed to run an additional 25 minutes from that point in time. All I needed to do was put one foot in front of the other and finish the task at hand (which only amounted to several minutes longer).

Long story short, there will be ups and downs as I go through this journey and even after I complete it. So what! I need to put the "downs" behind me and move forward. The past is just that...the PAST! Instead of focusing on what I think I can't do I will do my best to concentrate on all of the great things I have done and will do. Overall, I have made great progress and feel fantastic about all of my accomplishments. I feel more confident in my personal life too. I may not have lost a bunch of weight, but I'm actually feeling pretty good about myself again. That alone is worth a ton!

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." --Eleanor Roosevelt

Let's have fun and keep going! Happy running!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rough Start

Today got off to a rough start. My little man woke up at 4am wanting an escort to the bathroom (I forgot to leave the night light on for him). It felt like it took me FOREVER to get back to sleep. Then around 5am the little princess awoke from her slumber in an all out cry. Not sure what that was about. Thankfully my hubby attended to her. And wouldn't you just know it, my alarm rang right on time at 6:14am. Two minutes later I slid out of bed in order to get ready for W6D2. Just as I got all of my clothes off (figures she'd wait until the un-perfect moment) the little princess started yelling again. In a fury I tossed some clothes on and went to see what the deal was. Apparently she was just ready to be up for the day. I carried her back into the bathroom with me and did my best to keep her entertained as I finished getting ready. I was trying to be a good wife and let my husband get as much sleep as possible before he had to get up for work.

I headed out the door a little later than usual, but no big deal. I still had plenty of time to get my run in before Mr. Man had to leave for the office. I did a bit of positive self talk and sang a little during the warm up. Thankfully no one was around to hear my dreadful voice. Then I was off for the first of my two ten minute jogs. Typically I feel pretty good during the first segment, but there's something about trying to get started again after a walk interval. It's like I'm OK for the first few minutes after I start jogging again, but after that it's a struggle to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I fall into a pit of negativity and start doubting that I can make it through without walking again. Once I push through it and Carli tells me that my run is done for the day I feel good again and as if I could go a bit longer. It's totally mental, I know, but I'm having a hard time breaking this cycle. I try to concentrate on the positive or just get lost in the music, but I find that it's getting harder to do that. Anyone have the same issue?

It probably doesn't help that I looked ahead last night and realized that weeks 7-9 are continuous runs without any walking. To be honest that scared me. I don't feel ready for it. I'm planning to give W6D3 (25 minutes without walking) a whirl on Saturday but I'm not feeling overly confident about it. Hopefully I can get some rest in the next few days and go into it with plenty of energy and a positive attitude. Until then I won't fret. I'll go about my routine and keep my chin up.

How have you been feeling? Leave me a comment and let me know how things are going for you. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy running!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

W6D1 Complete

It's official. Getting up early and starting my day with C25K is the way to go. I was up-and-at-'em at 6:15 this morning. I donned my running gear, took time for a decent little stretch, and off I went. Today's jogging intervals were 5min-8min-5min with 3min of walking in between each interval. Not too bad. I know I've said it before, but I think that taking the time to wake up and stretch a little before taking off has it's benefits. I've found that it makes me feel more awake and alive when I get started. Not to say that I don't have my moments from time to time where I need to refocus myself and my energy, because I do. Thank goodness for Carli and her podcast though ( She really helps motivate me and keeps me on track.

When I left the house it was ever so slightly cool outside (again, I'm really doing my best to enjoy it before it becomes completely hot/humid, aka-miserable, around the clock). It was also pretty foggy. Because of that I stuck closer to home just to be a little safer. Overall, I felt pretty good throughout the intervals. I struggled just a bit near the end of the 8 minute section. I think that it's because I was focusing a bit too much on time. I tried to let that go and just enjoy the music in order to finish strong. Goal accomplished. Yet another day behind me. I returned home to my hubby, who is oh-so-proud that I'm actually sticking to this, and my happy-to-see-me smiley faced toddler. What could be better?!?

I already have my alarm set and clothes out for W6D2 tomorrow. Because of my work schedule for June, my running schedule is going to be less than ideal. My plan is to run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I'm not crazy about taking two days in a row off, but that's just how it's going to have to be for now. I won't let that stop me though. I will power through and do my best to stick with the program. I wish you all the best as you do the same. We CAN do this!!!

Weekend in Review

Hope you all had a great weekend! Even though it was a long weekend, it still went too fast at my house. So as you know, I completed the "baby monster" early Saturday morning. The rest of the day was spent around the house hanging out with the kids. Late in the afternoon we went for a family swim and then to the in-laws for an early Memorial Day dinner celebration. We had enough food to feed the entire town. Chicken, fish, venison, and scallops were all options along with way too many side dishes and desserts to mention. My mouth is watering just thinking about all of it. Mmmmm!

The majority of Sunday was spent taking my daughter to the after hours pediatrician for a suspected urinary tract infection. After a lot of torture, tears, time, and money we left with a diagnosis of dysuria (pain when urinating). The good news is that she did not have a UTI, the bad news is that they don't know what was causing the pain. Worse yet, they didn't seem to care to find out what it might be (sigh!). Long story short, she seems to be fine now.

Sunday evening my in-laws kept the kids so that my hubby and I could have a date night! We opted to do something where we could actually spend some time together and chat vs. sitting quietly next to each other in a movie theater. So we randomly chose to go bowling. Mind you, we haven't bowled in close to 10 years. We were both completely awful, but we had a blast! My first two games I bowled in the 60's and was contemplating using the bumpers. The third game I scored a 75 by bowling lefty for the last few frames. Surprisingly enough I was actually more consistent with my left hand than I was with my right (although it hurt ever so slightly because I don't think I've ever used my left arm like that). Nonetheless, I chose to bowl ambidextrously for the fourth and final game. Much to my surprise I got 5 strikes and ended with a total of 159!! I think that must be my personal record. Hahaha!

After bowling we went out to eat, drove around for a while (we had planned to walk around the college campus but it was raining), did a little bit of shopping, and then got ice cream. Overall, we had a great night! It's nice to get away once in a while for a little one-on-one time. The next morning we were both ready to get the kids. It's amazing how you look forward to some time away from all of the usual responsibilities of parenting and once you get a taste of the freedom you want nothing but to get right back into your usual roles. I love my life!

Needless to say, there was no running action on Sunday. There wasn't any on Monday either. I wasn't about to give up my one shot at sleeping in for an annoying alarm and an early run. I have to admit, I'm quite liking this running thing, but I'm not to the point where I'll give up an opportunity like that. The rest of Monday just kind of got away from me. There was a lot of cleaning, laundry, playing, eating, swimming lessons, and another monster headache late in the day that squelched any slightest thought I might have had about working out.

So that's pretty much it. That was my whole weekend. To spare you any more boredom I'm going to cut this post off here. I'll post again (hopefully later today) to let you know how my first week 6 run went. Until then, happy running!