Tuesday, June 1, 2010

W6D1 Complete

It's official. Getting up early and starting my day with C25K is the way to go. I was up-and-at-'em at 6:15 this morning. I donned my running gear, took time for a decent little stretch, and off I went. Today's jogging intervals were 5min-8min-5min with 3min of walking in between each interval. Not too bad. I know I've said it before, but I think that taking the time to wake up and stretch a little before taking off has it's benefits. I've found that it makes me feel more awake and alive when I get started. Not to say that I don't have my moments from time to time where I need to refocus myself and my energy, because I do. Thank goodness for Carli and her podcast though (www.runningintoshape.com). She really helps motivate me and keeps me on track.

When I left the house it was ever so slightly cool outside (again, I'm really doing my best to enjoy it before it becomes completely hot/humid, aka-miserable, around the clock). It was also pretty foggy. Because of that I stuck closer to home just to be a little safer. Overall, I felt pretty good throughout the intervals. I struggled just a bit near the end of the 8 minute section. I think that it's because I was focusing a bit too much on time. I tried to let that go and just enjoy the music in order to finish strong. Goal accomplished. Yet another day behind me. I returned home to my hubby, who is oh-so-proud that I'm actually sticking to this, and my happy-to-see-me smiley faced toddler. What could be better?!?

I already have my alarm set and clothes out for W6D2 tomorrow. Because of my work schedule for June, my running schedule is going to be less than ideal. My plan is to run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I'm not crazy about taking two days in a row off, but that's just how it's going to have to be for now. I won't let that stop me though. I will power through and do my best to stick with the program. I wish you all the best as you do the same. We CAN do this!!!

1 comment:

  1. I cant download her podcast and it is erking me so bad!! how did you get it
