Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rough Start

Today got off to a rough start. My little man woke up at 4am wanting an escort to the bathroom (I forgot to leave the night light on for him). It felt like it took me FOREVER to get back to sleep. Then around 5am the little princess awoke from her slumber in an all out cry. Not sure what that was about. Thankfully my hubby attended to her. And wouldn't you just know it, my alarm rang right on time at 6:14am. Two minutes later I slid out of bed in order to get ready for W6D2. Just as I got all of my clothes off (figures she'd wait until the un-perfect moment) the little princess started yelling again. In a fury I tossed some clothes on and went to see what the deal was. Apparently she was just ready to be up for the day. I carried her back into the bathroom with me and did my best to keep her entertained as I finished getting ready. I was trying to be a good wife and let my husband get as much sleep as possible before he had to get up for work.

I headed out the door a little later than usual, but no big deal. I still had plenty of time to get my run in before Mr. Man had to leave for the office. I did a bit of positive self talk and sang a little during the warm up. Thankfully no one was around to hear my dreadful voice. Then I was off for the first of my two ten minute jogs. Typically I feel pretty good during the first segment, but there's something about trying to get started again after a walk interval. It's like I'm OK for the first few minutes after I start jogging again, but after that it's a struggle to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I fall into a pit of negativity and start doubting that I can make it through without walking again. Once I push through it and Carli tells me that my run is done for the day I feel good again and as if I could go a bit longer. It's totally mental, I know, but I'm having a hard time breaking this cycle. I try to concentrate on the positive or just get lost in the music, but I find that it's getting harder to do that. Anyone have the same issue?

It probably doesn't help that I looked ahead last night and realized that weeks 7-9 are continuous runs without any walking. To be honest that scared me. I don't feel ready for it. I'm planning to give W6D3 (25 minutes without walking) a whirl on Saturday but I'm not feeling overly confident about it. Hopefully I can get some rest in the next few days and go into it with plenty of energy and a positive attitude. Until then I won't fret. I'll go about my routine and keep my chin up.

How have you been feeling? Leave me a comment and let me know how things are going for you. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy running!


  1. I did week 6 day 1 last night, and had similar problems. After running the 20 minutes on Sunday, I found it VERY hard to go back to intervals. It seemed like as soon as I got into the zone, it was time to walk and I was out of the zone again. I know that my body is ready for this, but sometimes my brain talks to darn loud and makes me doubt myself!

  2. Good job today! I realized today that my second runis always my best one. I think when it is time for continual running, I will try 5 minute walk, 90 second run then a little more stretching then dig in for the big run. My body seems more primed for the running one the blood is really flowing and I am loosened up.
    You know it never fails that the kids will wake you up during the nights you most need your sleep. My little princess did a 3:30 wake up call. Lucky for me, she went right back down.
    Who is Carli? What are you listening to during runs? I'm looking for other stuff (still love Mia, but there isn't always more than 1 or 2 for a given week and I like to change things up a bit).
    Again, good for you.

  3. @Erin-Glad to hear that I'm not alone. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm more ready than I think and it's just the walking interval throwing off my game. I guess I'll see come Saturday. I'm hoping for the best!

    @Theresa-Good thinking doing a little warm-up jog and stretching before "digging in." I have to admit that I've never been super consistent when it comes to stretching. I try to do just a little before heading out but at that point my muscles aren't warmed up yet. I'll have to give it a shot.

    I listen to Carli's podcast from She also only has one set of music for each week, but it works for now. I figure when I get to week 7 and beyond I can just put together some playlists of my own music to listen to (when I won't have to worry about needing ques to start and stop). Check her out. Let me know what you think.
