Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Steamy Shower

You know how it feels when you walk into the bathroom when someone is taking a ridiculously long, hot, steamy shower? You know, that almost breathless feeling because it's soooo humid and the air feels super thick? Well that was what came to mind when I opened the front door this morning for my run...ugh! When I stepped outside I could barely breathe. Not quite the weather I was hoping for. I think I could have handled it a bit better if rain would have poured down on me throughout the run, but no such luck. Anyway, you get the point. On to the run...

Well, when I was greeted with less than perfect running conditions I immediately thought to myself that there was NO WAY that I would ever make it through W8D1. I set my i-pod to play Carli's week 8 podcast anyway so I could have some new tunes to listen to and I started the warm-up (haha! As if I needed to warm-up in such sweltering conditions!).

When it was time to run, I did just that. Again, I was thinking I would never survive the whole 28 minutes. Throughout the run I set mini-goals. I'd say to myself, "If you can just make it to the end of the road, then you can stop." When I made it to the end of the road I'd say, "Now, if you can just make it to that mailbox, then you can stop." So you get the point. I did this multiple times and even slowed my pace 2 different times instead of completely stopping. And you know what? My little mental game worked (and the Rocky theme during the last portion certainly didn't hurt)! I completed W8D1 and even went above and beyond with an extra 3 minutes!!

I continue to amaze myself (and my husband too). On multiple occasions now I have overcome the seemingly impossible and pulled through! I'm sure you all have been doing the same in your own runs. We deserve to be proud of ourselves. I know I am.

I hope you all have a great week. Happy running!


  1. Haha, I have used songs from Rocky to get me through several runs. What would we ever do without Rocky Balboa??? We should all plan a C25K graduation party at those Rocky steps, haha. Meet there for drinks!

    I didn't get up and run this morning. Shame. I am going to go this evening, but I think its going to be even hotter than this morning! If you can do 28 minutes of running though, then I'm sure I can handle my 8. ;0)

  2. No shame on skipping your morning run. At least you have intentions of doing it later. I can't imagine trying an evening run again until it cools off around here. The heat index today is somewhere in the 100's...CRAZY!!! You can totally do it though, Kelli! Just don't push it too far and get overheated. Safety is the priority!

    Haha! *Love* the idea of a gradution party on the steps! That's hilarious! And for drinks, no less...not a run or anything. Heck, we will have graduated. Who needs a celebratory run?!?! Too funny!

  3. Isn't it fun when we surprise ourselves?! Good idea with the mental tricks. Now that you're doing the longer runs, it makes sense to stay motivated by short-term goals within the 28+ minutes. Congratulations!
