Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Need of a Run

I'm in need of a run.

I never thought I'd be saying that, but I really do feel like I need to go for a run. I feel a little stressed and I know that it would help to spend some time outside with my running shoes and i-pod. So I guess you could say that I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning's run! It's supposed to be my first week 8 run, but now that my sister's kids are out of school I have to take my youngins to her house before I head off to work. Translation: I have to leave earlier and therefore have less time for my run on Tuesdays unless I drag my behind out of bed even earlier. So we'll see what happens. I plan to do some sort of non-interval running, but can't guarantee that it will be quite as long as it's supposed to be. Such is life!

I know that I didn't post about it, but I actually did complete my run on Saturday. I got up and headed out around 6:50ish. It was my final week 7 (25 minute) run. I was tired from being up for several nights with a sick princess, but I did it anyways. When I returned home, I grabbed a quick shower, got packed up, and headed out of town for a weekend full of birthday/pool parties. And let me tell you, I'm worn out! There's something about traveling with little ones that just takes it out of you. Add to it the pool parties, junk food, and lack of sleep and you have the perfect recipe for exhaustion in my book. So if you were wondering why I haven't posted any sooner, now you know.

I'm working quite a bit more for the rest of June and most of July. I'm still planning to run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and either Saturday or Sunday (maybe both depending on the week and how I'm feeling). I'll do my best to keep you posted on my progress. I hope you'll do the same.

Happy running!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your run tomorrow! I'll be with you in spirit and running my final day of week 4. Keep up the good work. When a schedule is so demanding, it is quite an extra accomplishment to get out there and get your running in!
