Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend in Review

Hope you all had a great weekend! Even though it was a long weekend, it still went too fast at my house. So as you know, I completed the "baby monster" early Saturday morning. The rest of the day was spent around the house hanging out with the kids. Late in the afternoon we went for a family swim and then to the in-laws for an early Memorial Day dinner celebration. We had enough food to feed the entire town. Chicken, fish, venison, and scallops were all options along with way too many side dishes and desserts to mention. My mouth is watering just thinking about all of it. Mmmmm!

The majority of Sunday was spent taking my daughter to the after hours pediatrician for a suspected urinary tract infection. After a lot of torture, tears, time, and money we left with a diagnosis of dysuria (pain when urinating). The good news is that she did not have a UTI, the bad news is that they don't know what was causing the pain. Worse yet, they didn't seem to care to find out what it might be (sigh!). Long story short, she seems to be fine now.

Sunday evening my in-laws kept the kids so that my hubby and I could have a date night! We opted to do something where we could actually spend some time together and chat vs. sitting quietly next to each other in a movie theater. So we randomly chose to go bowling. Mind you, we haven't bowled in close to 10 years. We were both completely awful, but we had a blast! My first two games I bowled in the 60's and was contemplating using the bumpers. The third game I scored a 75 by bowling lefty for the last few frames. Surprisingly enough I was actually more consistent with my left hand than I was with my right (although it hurt ever so slightly because I don't think I've ever used my left arm like that). Nonetheless, I chose to bowl ambidextrously for the fourth and final game. Much to my surprise I got 5 strikes and ended with a total of 159!! I think that must be my personal record. Hahaha!

After bowling we went out to eat, drove around for a while (we had planned to walk around the college campus but it was raining), did a little bit of shopping, and then got ice cream. Overall, we had a great night! It's nice to get away once in a while for a little one-on-one time. The next morning we were both ready to get the kids. It's amazing how you look forward to some time away from all of the usual responsibilities of parenting and once you get a taste of the freedom you want nothing but to get right back into your usual roles. I love my life!

Needless to say, there was no running action on Sunday. There wasn't any on Monday either. I wasn't about to give up my one shot at sleeping in for an annoying alarm and an early run. I have to admit, I'm quite liking this running thing, but I'm not to the point where I'll give up an opportunity like that. The rest of Monday just kind of got away from me. There was a lot of cleaning, laundry, playing, eating, swimming lessons, and another monster headache late in the day that squelched any slightest thought I might have had about working out.

So that's pretty much it. That was my whole weekend. To spare you any more boredom I'm going to cut this post off here. I'll post again (hopefully later today) to let you know how my first week 6 run went. Until then, happy running!

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