Saturday, May 29, 2010


It's a small victory for me, but nonetheless I'm proud of myself! I completed the baby monster (W5D3) this morning without walking! I finally crawled out of bed at 6:50 this morning after a little snuggle time with my alarm clock (aka-my daughter). I took my time getting ready this morning and even took a few minutes for a good stretch. Let me tell you, it was nice having a little extra time to wake up a bit before heading out. During the week I basically roll out of bed, get dressed, brush my teeth, and head out the door. I love my sleep, but I'm definitely going to have to consider getting up just a few minutes earlier during the week for a little extra wake up time. I really think it made a positive difference.

Anyway, on to the run...During my 5 minute warm up I really focused on keeping my thoughts positive and taking some really deep breaths to fill and open up my lungs. As I started the run I felt pretty good. I noticed that it was a little warmer and more humid than my morning runs have been up to this point, but I wasn't about to let that bother me. Somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes into it my thoughts started to veer to the negative side. I started thinking too much about my breathing and how my mouth was feeling really dry, despite the gum I was chewing. Then I noticed that my knees were hurting ever so slightly. So I told myself something similar to what I saw someone write on the C25K Facebook page: "Your legs haven't fallen off yet and you haven't coughed up or lost a lung. You're doing fine and YOU CAN DO THIS!!" I realized that I really didn't have that far to go and I just needed to suck it up. I changed the channel in my brain and left the whiny attitude behind.

During the last little stretch I saw my neighbor jogging up his driveway and out of the woods. That was all I needed to kick myself in gear. Suddenly I started to move a little faster and my form improved. It's funny how simply seeing other people out and about is enough to make you step it up a notch. I finished strong and felt really good about it. Obviously I had my moments, but overall I think I did well. I honestly haven't looked ahead to see what week 6 entails. Maybe I'll check that out today. Either way, I know that I can handle it!!


  1. Woot-woot! You go! I am so excited for you that you made it. You must feel so amazing! Just got back from W3D1 and feel beat up a bit but great all in all. Keep up the good work!!!

  2. Thanks, Theresa! I have to admit that I was beaming for quite some time afterward. It also helps that my hubby is really supportive and behind me 100%.

    Good for you for continuing on despite feeling "beat up." Sometimes you just have to push through it. It's just a slice of time out of our days, and soooo worth it in the end. You CAN and WILL do it!!!

  3. I just defeated the monster this morning! I feel AMAZING!!!! Go us! =)

  4. Congrats! I'll be tackling this one in a couple days.

    I really relate to what you described about choosing to be positive, and also about running well when you see others out and about! :)

  5. Congratulations, Erin!! That's AWESOME!!

  6. Little Run-Good luck on your upcoming run! If I can do it, I know you can too!
