Tuesday, May 18, 2010

All Geared Up

Since Mother's Day I've run several times. After about two runs (and a lot of pain) in my old tennis shoes I followed the advice of many and bought some actual running shoes. I went to a local store and had them perform a gait analysis. Turns out I over pronate and needed some running shoes with a bit of stability to help correct this problem. After trying on several, I bought a pair of Brooks for around $100. I thought the price was ridiculous but I overcame my cheapness (if that's even a word) and bought them. So far I'm very pleased! They felt great right out of the box.

Well, seeing as I had new tennis shoes I couldn't barely go out running in just any old clothes now, could I?!? After work on Friday my car drove me straight to Target (my son calls it "mommy's store" if that's any indication of how often we go there). I couldn't fight it. My car developed a mind of it's own, pulled in to the turn lane, and took me directly to the parking lot. What's a girl to do? So I went in and got myself some new duo-dry capris, tank tops, and socks. I have yet to give them a try, but I'll let you know what I think just as soon as I get them washed up and on the road with me.

The last thing to do was to update my i-pod with some new tunes. The first several times out I ran along to one of the Couch to 5K podcasts available on i-tunes. It was great to have someone telling me when to walk, when to run, and providing some encouragement along the way. The only downfall is that I'm not much into techno. If I'm actually going to succeed and finish the program I needed to have better (in my opinion) music. After searching the internet I found some good alternatives and can't wait to see how it goes.

Now that I've invested so much money and time I sure better get my rear in gear and conquer this running thing!!!

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