Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Things About Me

Here's a few things about me:
  1. Jesus is my Savior.
  2. I'm 30 years old and married my high school sweetheart. We met at the beginning of our senior year and have been together ever since. We just celebrated our 8 year anniversary.
  3. I have 2 children whom I adore. There are times that I still can't believe that I helped create life.
  4. I'm a full time mom and a part time nurse.
  5. I work at an outpatient surgery center, but my true passion is Labor and Delivery.
  6. My sister is one of my best friends. She is the most patient person I know. She is also one of the world's greatest babysitters (she keeps my children on the days that I work)!
  7. In high school I was pretty athletic. My number one sport was volleyball.
  8. I've never been a big fan of running. I think that it's due in part to my all-or-nothing attitude and unwillingness to take it slow (I'm currently working on these).
  9. I want so badly to become a real runner.
  10. I'm addicted to diet coke. I know that I need to break that habit, but just haven't put my mind to it yet.
  11. I'm not a very good writer, but I'm trying. This blog is basically for me to be able to keep up with my running. I've read that most people have better success if they keep a journal or log of their workouts. So here it is.
  12. I like to chew gum when I run so that my mouth doesn't dry out from breathing.
  13. I had really straight hair until I gave birth to our first child...crazy hormones have made it curly.
  14. My in-laws live just up the hill from me and I think it's WONDERFUL!
  15. I actually like doing the kids' laundry. There's something fun about little people's clothing.
  16. I absolutely despise scrubbing my shower. I end up with a headache every time.
  17. I've NEVER really liked my body. The only time I was somewhat happy with myself was during my pregnancies. Who doesn't love a big belly?!?
  18. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth.
  19. I hog the covers at night.
  20. I've never had a real eye exam.
  21. I'm not good with conflict and try my best to avoid it.
  22. I can't dance.
  23. I have osgood-schlatter's disease in both of my knees.
  24. I'm not a big fan of leftovers. I usually pawn them off on my husband.
  25. I like to bake, but I'm not a huge fan of regular cooking.
  26. I don't get computers and electronics. I can usually get them to perform basic functions, but that's about it.
  27. I have 1 older brother, 1 older sister, and 2 half sisters (one older and one younger).
  28. My favorite store is Target. I rarely come out of there having spent less than $100.
  29. My sister and I married brothers.
  30. I fall asleep almost every time we rent a movie (even the ones that I want to see).
  31. I'm a pretty low maintenance girl.
  32. I love to take naps but rarely have time to do it.
  33. I can barely walk in heels.
  34. Most nights I'd rather eat a bowl of cereal for dinner than a real meal.
  35. I'm not really a morning person OR a night person. I'm more like a middle of the day type of person.
That's about all I have time for for now. Feel free to ask me any other questions. Happy running!


  1. Wow we really do have a lot in common! I look forward to getting to know you through our blogs, hope you have a good run tomorrow!

  2. We have a crazy amount in common. I just read this outloud and my hucband and I were like WHAT!?!? haha
