Monday, May 17, 2010

Just Getting Started

The title says it all...I'm just getting started. What it doesn't tell you is that I'm trying to start several things. Obviously I'm trying to get started with this whole blogging thing (we'll see how that goes). But what I'm really trying to focus on is RUNNING! I started running on Mother's Day and have decided that I want to continue and try to make a habit of it. I'm a busy mom of two and I work out of the house part-time, so it's going to be a challenge. I've decided to loosely follow the Couch to 5K program and progress as I see fit.

So why have I decided to start running, you ask? There are many reasons. The main reason is a common one: to lose weight and get into shape. My daughter was born almost 2 years ago, and although I'm only carrying about an extra 5-10 pounds it's just not the same. I'm much "softer" than I used to be and the weight distribution is quite a bit different than before. Quite frankly, I just don't like my body!

Another reason to run is because I'M TIRED!!! I'm constantly tired. I think that this is partly because I'm not working out and my eating habits have been out of control. I'm hoping that by taking some time to exercise and somewhat improve my food choices (note that you'll NEVER get me to give up all of my vices like sweets and diet coke) that I'll in turn gain some energy. I want to be able to keep up with my kids as they grow and I don't want to be a sideline mom. I plan to be involved with my children and their activities and I realize this will be easier if I'm in better shape.

Let me tell you though, I’ve always been an all or nothing kind of person (some would say I’m a bit of a type-A personality). For example if I wanted to go for a run but didn’t think that I could go out and run 2 miles without stopping then I figured it wasn’t even worth the effort. Granted, I knew that just simply walking the 2 miles or doing walk/jog intervals would burn calories and be beneficial to my health, but I still wouldn’t do it. If I couldn’t just go out and master it, then I wouldn’t even try. Silly, I know. It’s been a struggle for me to overcome such thinking. For quite some time now I’ve been trying to convince myself that doing something, no matter how small, is far better than doing nothing at all. So here I am to prove that this is true!

I must admit, I’ve always been moderately athletic and I’m embarrassed to think that I have lost so much of my talent/athleticism. I fear not being able to keep up with the program and therefore quitting before I’ve really given myself a chance to succeed. (Note to self: DO NOT GIVE UP!!! See this thing through.) I never used to be a quitter. Where did my mental toughness go, my love for a good challenge, and my desire to succeed at all things? Here's to hoping that all of those things return!!

So what it boils down to is that "I'm Just Getting Started!" Won't you follow along as I try to conquer this running thing?

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