Sunday, June 27, 2010

Short and Sweet

This post is going to be just that, short and right to the point. I'm pretty much keeping up with my activity here on this blog. I should be keeping some sort of a workout calendar for a quick visual of my activities, but I have yet to do that.

So on to the point--I swam laps again on Friday evening. I swam for approximately 25 minutes (including kick board laps). It was a bit difficult because I had worked all day and was pretty tired. On top of that the water was super warm, quite like bathwater. The air was actually cooler than the water so it wasn't very refreshing. Nonetheless I completed the swim.

Yesterday (Saturday) was a "rest" day filled with cleaning and lots of play time with the family. Sometime today or this evening I plan to head to the pool for another workout. I have yet to decide if it will be laps, water jogging, or a combo of the two. My foot is STILL bothering me. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be able to run again. If I do get to run anytime soon how difficult is it going to be? I wonder how much of a setback I'm going to incur. I guess I'll learn that answer once this darn heel heals (haha....heel heals! I'm such a dork).

Anyway, happy Sunday and happy running!!!

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