Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Running in the Water

I know that I said I was going to play with my aqua jogger this weekend, but I did it today instead. I swam laps yesterday and had planned to rest today and do more laps tomorrow. Well, as usual, change of plans! Last night I decided I would go ahead and head to the pool this morning for a little experimentation. I took my i-pod, set it to Carli's week 9 podcast, strapped on the aqua jogger, and hopped in the pool. I had forgotten how strange it feels to try to run while floating! I'm still not sure if my form was correct, but surely I had to have burned at least a few calories. Don't you think?

I definitely need more practice with the belt though. I think that I'll try to search online for some water workouts that utilize it or at least some suggestions for how to get a good workout with it. If nothing else it's a good way to mix things up.

Oh, by the way, I did find some time yesterday to catch up on my reading. I enjoy seeing how you all are doing with your runs. Keep up the good work!


  1. I have had difficulty keeping up with everyone lately too. Summer is like that! Hope you're feeling better soon. The aqua jogger sounds cool. I need to find out more about that.

  2. I've never heard of an aqua jogger before but I'm sure you did indeed burn lotsa calories! You go girl! :)
