Friday, June 18, 2010


Say it ain't so...say it ain't so!!

I'm injured. There, I said it. Now make me better.

Remember how I didn't get up to run on Wednesday but I attempted to make up for it by doing a workout DVD? Sadly enough, I think that's what did me in. Stupidly (I can say that because hind sight is 20/20) I did the workout in my living room barefoot, as I have done many times before. Before I started running, that is. And before I was stressing my feet/body in such a manner 3-4 times a week. Well, that night when I was in the shower my heel started to hurt. I put extra pressure on it and kind of rolled it around on the shower floor to see if it really bothered me, and YOWSA! it really did hurt. There wasn't anything visible and the pain seemed to come from pretty deep within. No biggie though, surely it would be better by morning.

Ha!! Was I wrong!?! It hurt even worse in the morning. I couldn't even bare all of my weight on it. After hobbling into work that morning I googled some info on heel spurs and self diagnosed my problem. I tried to rest my foot and ice it as best I could. But truly I was still in denial and was hoping it would be gone by this morning. Again, not the case. I asked one of our docs at work that deals with feet, ankles, lower legs, etc. what she thought and what I needed to do. She gave me the run down. It was exactly what I expected her to say, but nothing that I wanted to hear. Basically REST, blah, blah, blah...I can't say that I really paid a whole lot of attention after that (did I mention the denial?). Ugh!! I don't want to rest! Doesn't she know that I'm nearing the end of my C25K training and that I don't have time to rest?!? I have another run scheduled for Saturday morning. I can't afford to take any more days off (note the irrational fear setting in right now that I'll never run again and will be a C25K flunky)! Ahhhhh!!!

Given the fact that I still can't bear all of my weight on that heel without pain I will again have to modify my schedule. That's what I get for making plans and getting excited about being a graduate. Oh well, I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!! Even if it means dropping back a few weeks once the pain is gone. I'll do whatever it takes. In the meantime I plan to swim some laps and put my aqua jogger to good use. It's been sitting around collecting dust for too long now. Tomorrow will be my first water workout. So wish me luck and wellness. I'll keep you posted.

Happy running (on land and in the water)!


  1. I totally empathize and hope your heel will be totally better really soon! Good for you for switching to swimming right away. I thought of swimming too but I feel lazy thinking of the hassle of getting to a pool, etc. compared to the ease of just walking out the door and running. Hopefully we'll both be back to our regularly-scheduled-programming very soon!

  2. Oh no! I can't even imagine how horrible it must feel. I am so sorry! But you WILL be back out there as soon as your body is ready and you will still kick C25K's butt!

    I have started to become very irrational in ways as well due to this whole running thing - ex. my family likes to "play" wrestle. Its just a thing we do. If people come near my legs in any way, I SCREAM. Then after they are done freaking out thinking they hurt me, I inform them I am fine, but if they injure my legs in any way so that I can't run, that I will kill them.

  3. I am so sorry about your injury. Just remember to let yourself heal and get better before you jump back in. Maybe you go back a week or two and re-do some weeks, but you will still be a graduate of this prgram! Keep writing and let us know how you're doing.

  4. Thanks for all of the encouragement! I WILL graduate from C25K. This little setback will not be the end of me! I bought some new insoles for my everyday tennis shoes and that seems to be helping a little bit. I've been wearing those to work but also plan on buying new work shoes too for some added support when I'm on my feet.
