Sunday, June 6, 2010

W7D1 or W6D3 Repeater?

Either way you look at it, I nailed it!! 25 minutes of continuous running two days in a row...holy moly!! Today proves that yesterday's run wasn't just a fluke (thank goodness). I really can do this! Wow!

I finally clocked my run today. I tried to do it on the Google Map Pedometer site (which is really cool, by the way) that someone on the C25K Facebook page linked to, but apparently I live just a little too far into "the country" to get an accurate assessment. So this afternoon I hopped in the car and drove the route. Turns out that I'm running somewhere between 2.3-2.4 miles in 25 minutes. This is better than I thought. There's certainly room for improvement, but at this point I'm just happy to have completed 25 minutes (TWICE!!!).

Hope you all are continuing to do well. Keep me posted on your progress.

Happy running!


  1. Impressed by your distance and by the 2 x 25 minutes!!! You certainly deserve to be very proud of yourself. :)

  2. Yeah! You did it. I am so proud of you. I thank you to for helping to give me the confidence that I will be able to do it too! Kepp up the great work!
