Wednesday, June 16, 2010

W8D2...Not Today

Despite my good intentions, I didn't make it out for my planned run. My daughter struggled to sleep last night, therefore my hubby and I struggled. She sort of whined on and off throughout the night. Most of the time she wasn't actually awake, but she was certainly making noise. We attributed it to the fact that she's cutting 5-6 teeth (including 4 molars!). At one point my dear husband went in, gave her Motrin, and rocked her back to sleep. Around 5:30am she was whining again so I chose to move to the couch and listen from there so Mr. Man could get a couple of uninterrupted hours of sleep before heading into work (I was off today and planned to rest during her morning nap).

At one point I thought to myself that I might as well go for my run seeing as I wasn't sleeping well anyway. But that would defeat the purpose of moving to the couch. I was trying to let my husband get some sleep and if I took off for my run, then he'd be awake listening to her. I drifted back to sleep in between her noises and when my alarm went off at 6:10am I turned it off and rolled over. I like to think that I did it for my husband, but surely you all are smart enough to figure out that it was totally a selfish move. I was exhausted and couldn't bare the thought of running in the wretched humidity again while being sooooo tired.

My husband was very grateful for the bonus sleep but it left me feeling a little guilty for not getting up like I had planned. Later in the day I decided I would attempt a run when he got home from work. That plan failed too. By time he was on his way home our area was covered up with thunderstorms complete with lightning. I figured it wouldn't be too safe to head out in those conditions, although a run in the rain sure would have beat yesterday's crazy hot humidity.

So what all of this rambling boils down to is that I didn't make it out for my run today. In lieu of W8D2 I did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout DVD. It wasn't exactly the 28 minute jog that I had intended on doing, but at least I got off of my butt and moved. My new plan is to conquer W8D2 on Saturday, followed by D3 on Sunday. Then I can start W9 Tuesday morning. Hopefully this plan will hold true, but if not I will modify and continue plugging along.


  1. I'd say all running moms have the right to be as flexible as necessary without any guilt! ;)

  2. These things happen. My girl is cutting 5 teeth right now too and I hear is tough. Good luck tonigyht and hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter morning!
